[TU Dresden]

Fuzzy Logic

Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Theoretische Informatik
Lehrstuhl für Automatentheorie

Rafael Peñaloza

Course Description

In this course we look at fuzzy logic, where assertions can be true to a degree in the interval [0,1].
A whole family of logics based on a binary relation (t-norm) will be defined, and different properties of the most relevant members of this family will be shown. A reasoning calculus and completeness theorems will also be presented.
Most of the course will focus on propositional logic, but fuzzy first order logic will also be introduced.

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of propositional and first order logic.


The lecture takes place weekly in room E05: Wednesdays 9:20-10:50


Credits / Examinations

Computational Logic students can earn 3 SWS (2/1/0) for the modules MV, TCSL, and PI by attending this lecture. In order to get the credits, students must pass an oral examination at the end of the semester.


A weekly exercise session will be held by Felix Distel every second week on Mondays 09:20-10:50 in E05 (starting from April 18).

All students are encouraged to present their solutions to the exercises, as they are useful for a better understanding of the lecture material.

Exercise sheets will be available online approx. one week before the session.


The lecture is based mainly (but not exclusively) on the book Metamathematics of Fuzzy Logic by Petr Hájek. All the material necessary for successfully aproving the course will be presented during the lectures.

A preliminary version of the lecture notes is now available (pdf). Please note that this script is incomplete and may contain errors. It does not replace the material presented during the course.
Rafael Peñaloza