Hauptseminar des Lehrstuhls für Automatentheorie
Hauptseminar Theoretische Informatik:
"Advanced Topics in Automatic Structures"
Position in
Master Informatik: Module INF-MA-PR
Computational Logic: Modules
MCL-PCS, MCL-PI, MCL-TCSL, MCL-AL, 3 credit points
- Informatik diploma: Wahlpflichtveranstaltung (-/-/2)
- Basic knowledge in logic and
automata theory. It is not necessary to have attended the lecture Introduction
to Automatic Structures, but it is helpful.
For computer science students:
“Grundlagen der Theoretischen Informatik” or
“Formale Systeme”
- The language of the seminar is English — unless attended by
native German speakers only.
Preliminary schedule
- The seminar started on Friday, April 13, at
2:50pm in room 3027 of the computer science building with
an introductory meeting.
In case students are interested to join the
seminar, they can do so by the end of April. In that case
send an email to Anni-Yasmin
The student presentations will take place during the last
weeks of the teaching period.
Topic of the
Participants will get to know different types of automatic
structures. The seminar will investigate properties of the structures
and the relationship between them and different kinds of logics.
Available Seminar Papers
- Theories of Automatic Structures and Their
D. Kuske
- Definability and Regularity in Automatic Structures
B. Khoussainov , S. Rubin , F. Stephan
- Finite Presentations of Infinite Structures: Automata and
A. Blumensath, E. Grädel
- First-order and counting theories of omega-automatic
D. Kuske , M. Lohrey
Classical Mathematical Problems treated with Automatic
- Is Cantor's theorem automatic?
D. Kuske
- Automatic linear orders and trees--revised
B. Khoussainov, S. Rubin, F. Stephan
Automatic version of Königs Lemma
Goal of the Hauptseminar
- Apart from learning about the main topic, students should learn
- how to get acquainted with a relevant body of
- how to produce a well-structured report, that conforms
to the rules of scientific writing, and
- how to give an understandable scientific talk.
Duties of Participants
- In the initial meeting, students choose a topic to work on and
are assigned a tutor.
During the seminar, the student has to understand the relevant
literature and writes a report about the chosen topic (~12
pages). Finally, each student presents his/her work in a talk
to the other participants. In doing this, he/she receives
individual support by the tutor. The students should present
- a full version of their report at least 5 weeks
before their talk, and
- a first version of all the slides for their talk at least
2 weeks before the talk, and
- a 25-30 minute presentation followed by 5-10 minutes of discussion.
Additionally, students must meet the following requirements.
- Refrain from any form of plagiarism in the preparation
of your report. If you are unsure what is considered
plagiarism in academia please consult this
helpful guide by the University of Oxford.
- Reserve enough time for the seminar.
- Make appointments with your tutor. It is customary to
have a first consultation within one or two weeks
after the initial session. Remember that your
tutor may not always be available because of teaching or
traveling obligations. If possible, try to arrange meetings
well ahead of time.
- Make sure the produced report conforms to the usual
standards of scientific writing. Advice (in
German) for writing scientific papers can be found here.
- If possible use LaTeX for typesetting your report. If
you absolutely have to use a different software you must
make sure that all formulas are typeset using a formula
- If you choose to use LaTeX use either the document
class article or scrartcl. Do not
change fonts, font sizes, margins, headers or footers.
- Prepare a question for the discussion of your partner
paper. This will be explained in more detail during the
introductory meeting.
If both, the student report and the student talk, are of
acceptable quality, then the grade for the seminar will
(roughly) be based by 2/3 on the quality of the report and by
1/3 on the quality of the talk.
The seminar is coordinated by Anni-Yasmin Turhan.
Last modified: Fri Apr 13 16:25:32 CEST 2012