TU Dresden
Institut für Theoretische Informatik
Lehrstuhl für Automatentheorie

Hauptseminar "Knowledge Representation and Reasoning with Description Logics" im SS 2004

More Information for participants is now available.

Initial Meeting
Initial meeting will take place on April 6, 13:00 - 14:30 in ROOM 459. Attending the initial meeting is mandatory for participation in the seminar. People who want to participate in the seminar, but have serious reasons to not attend the initial meeting, please send an email until April 6.

Schedule for Presentations
All presentations will take place on 16.07. Participants of the seminar are expected to attend all talks. The length of talks is 40 minutes.

The presentations will take place on 16.07., 9:00 - 12:00, ROOM 151

09:00 Ekaterina Timoshenko Terminological Cycles in DL
10:00 Huang Changsheng Matching in DL
11:00 Raj Mudunuri DL with Role Hierarchies

Position in Curriculum
Informatik (both diploma and bachelors degree), starting from 5. semester, Wahlpflichtveranstaltung (-/-/2)
Computational Logic: Module TCSL, 3 credit points

For computer scientists: Pflichtvorlesung Grundlagen der Theoretischen Informatik
Lecture "Logic-based Knowledge Representation" will be very helpful

The language of the initial meeting is English .

Topic of the Hauptseminar
Building on basic results about description logics that have been presented in the "Logic-based Knowledge Representation" lecture, this seminar treats more advanced topics in knowledge representation and reasoning with description logics. For example, we will consider many useful extensions of DLs such as more powerful TBox formalisms and so-called concrete domains that can be used for an integrated representation of numerical data.

Goal of the Hauptseminar
Apart from learning about the main topic, students should learn how to get acquainted with a relevant body of literature, how to produce a well-structured paper, and how to give an understandable talk.

Hints on how to prepare a paper and how to give a talk are available (in German).

Duties of Participants
In the initial meeting, students choose a topic to work on and are assigned a tutor. During the seminar, the student has to understand the relevant literature and writes a paper about the chosen topic (~12 pages). In doing this, he/she receives individual support by the tutor. The produced paper is required to conform to the standards of scientific writing. Finally, each student presents his/her work in a talk to the other participants.

The seminar is coordinated by Dr. Barbara Morawska