[TU Dresden]

Komplexpraktikum/Project with AvatR in WS 2009-2010

Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Theoretische Informatik
Lehrstuhl für Automatentheorie

Representation of context information in highly adaptive applications
Highly adaptive context-aware applications need to represent information on the status of the user and on the status of the application itself. Based on this context information the application can trigger adequate actions. Informal ad-hoc representations of context may turn out to be too unflexible or do not allow to infer much about the user's situation.
The task for this project is to investigate ontology-based methods to describe information in a context application, design own context descriptions for the scenario of a real world application and finally evaluate existing reasoning methods under the constraint of application performance and other requirements. The application scenario is to be tailored to the AvatR application. For more information on AvatR see http://www.avatr.net

Rafael PeƱaloza