Automata are widely used in logic. The seminar is about the application
of automata models (e.g. finite automata, Büchi-automata, alternating
automata, …) in specific logics.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate knowledge of automata and logic
would be helpful.
Chair of Automata Theory
Institute of Theoretical Computer Science
Faculty of Computer Science
Technische Universität Dresden
Institute of Theoretical Computer Science
Faculty of Computer Science
Technische Universität Dresden
Automata Models in Logic
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz Baader
Course Description
There is an initial meeting on 22 October 2015 at
14:50 in room APB/3027. There, topics are assigned to
interested students and further organisational matters are covered.
The students taking the seminar should get acquainted with their respective topic, write a report (c. 15 pages) about it, and give a presentation (of 25 minutes) at the end of the semester. They receive indiviual supervision by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz Baader, Dr. Marcel Lippmann, Dr. Michel Ludwig, and Francesco Kriegel.
The topics have been assigned as follows:
The students are expected to stick to the following schedule.
The students taking the seminar should get acquainted with their respective topic, write a report (c. 15 pages) about it, and give a presentation (of 25 minutes) at the end of the semester. They receive indiviual supervision by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz Baader, Dr. Marcel Lippmann, Dr. Michel Ludwig, and Francesco Kriegel.
The topics have been assigned as follows:
Student | Topic | Supervisor |
Mariëlle Rietdijk | Gerth, Peled, Vardi, Wolper: Simple On-the-fly Automatic Verification of Linear Temporal Logic | Dr. M. Lippmann |
Emira Ziberi | Gastin, Oddoux: Fast LTL to Büchi Automata Translation | Dr. M. Lippmann |
Ioannis Gerochristos | Pan, Sattler, Vardi: BDD-Based Decision Procedures for K | Dr. M. Ludwig |
Atefeh Keshvarzi | Hladik, Sattler: A Translation of Looping Alternating Automata to Description Logic | F. Kriegel |
Alexandra Meireles | Baader: Using automata theory for characterizing the semantics of terminological cycles (part about FL0 with gfp-semantics) |
Prof. F. Baader |
Adrian Nuradiansyah | Baader: Using automata theory for characterizing the semantics of terminological cycles (part about FL0 with descriptive semantics) |
Prof. F. Baader |
Frederic Dörband | Lutz, Seylan, Wolter: An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Uniform Interpolation and Approximation in the Description Logic EL | Prof. F. Baader |
The students are expected to stick to the following schedule.
- in November: mandatory meeting with the supervisor
- 4 January: first complete version of the report due
- 18 January: first complete version of the presentation slides due
- 4 February: give the presentation and participate in the discussion
SWS: –/2/–
This course can be used in the following modules:
This course can be used in the following modules:
- Master-Studiengang (Medien-)Informatik: INF-AQUA (Allgemeine Qualifikationen)
- Diplom-Studiengang Informatik: INF-D-940 (Berufsspezifische Schlüsselkompetenzen)
- Master in Computational Logic: MCL-PCS (Presentation and Communication Skills), MCL-TCSL (Theoretical Computer Science and Logic), MCL-PI (Principles of Inference)
- Diplom-Studiengang Informatik (Studienordnung 2004): Hauptseminar
Will be provided.