Institute of Theoretical Computer Science
I am working as a postdoc for the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 248 "Foundations of Perspicuous Software Systems" (CPEC) on the projects A3: Description Logic Explications and E2: Safe Handover in Mixed-Initiative Control. Additionally, I was elected to represent post-doctoral students on the CPEC board.
My work mostly lies in the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning field:
Description Logics
Computational Complexity of Reasoning
Ontology-Mediated Query Answering
Temporal Reasoning
PC member of DL 2020, IJCAI-PRICAI 2020, ECAI 2020, AAAI-20 Programs, AAAI-20, IJCAI 2019, DL 2019.
Reviewer for JAIR, ACM Computing Surveys, IJCAR-2018, AAAI-18, FroCoS 2017, KR 2016, FroCoS 2015.
Research Assistant
Teaching Assistant
“Empirical Methods” and “Probability Theory and Statistics” lab sessions. Faculty of Computer Science, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.
Doctoral Degree with the thesis
“Ontology-Mediated Query Answering with Lightweight Temporal Description Logics”
Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Artale.
Reviewers: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz Baader,
TU Dresden, Germany and
Dr. Clare Dixon,
University of Liverpool, the United Kingdom.
Specialist in Mathematics and System Programming
List of my publications on dblp.