[TU Dresden]

Fuzzy Description Logics

Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Theoretische Informatik
Lehrstuhl für Automatentheorie

Felix Distel

Course Description

The course covers the study of fuzzy Description Logics as a formalism for representing--and reasoning with--vague or imprecise knowledge.
We will study several variants of fuzzy DLs, that differentiate from each other by their expressivity and their fuzzy semantics. These will mainly be extensions of the classical DLs EL and ALC.
For the logics where this is possible, we will cover practical methods for reasoning over them. However, we will also show that these logics easily become undecidable.



The lecture takes place weekly in room E005: Mondays 9:20-10:50 (DS 2)



Credits / Examinations

Students can earn 4 SWS (2/2/0) by attending this lecture.

Please contact me for fixing a date for your examinations.


Students from the Bachelor Informatik program can use this lecture for the modules INF-B-510 and INF-B-520
Students from the Master Informatik and Diplom Informatik (Ordnung 2010) programs can use this lecture for the modules INF-BAS6 and INF-VERT6 and INF-PM-FOR
Students from the Computational Logic program can use this lecture for the modules KR and TCSL

In order to get the credits, students must pass an oral examination at the end of the semester.


A weekly exercise session will be held

All students are encouraged to present their solutions to the exercises, as they are useful for a better understanding of the lecture material.

Exercise sheets will be available online approx. one week before the session.

Lecture Notes

Lecture notes from a previous semester are available. Please note that the course contents differ between semesters. Therefore, the notes do not replace the material presented during the course. Use them with care.


All the material necessary for successfully aproving the course will be presented during the lectures. As there is no available script, students are strongly recommended to copy the material written on the blackboard during lecture time. For getting familiar with Description Logics, consult: For getting familiar with Fuzzy Logic, consult:

Felix Distel