CL project group for the sommer semester 2017

Dr. (habil.) Anni-Yasmin Turhan

Course Description

In this course the (E)MCL students will conduct a small scientific project that is close to current research interests to members of the chair of automata theory. Students will work under the supervision of a tutor, who will give pointers to the relavant literature, discuss the recommende articles with the student and will assist the student in developing an approach to address the research problem. The outcome of the project will be a report and a talk.


Position in curriculum

module MCL-P (-/-/8), 12 credits.


Knowledge about the basic lecture regarding the chosen topic is strongly advised.

Participants Duties

The participants are expected to read the relevant research papers picked by he tutor and to discuss it with their tutor in order to become acquainted with the topic chosen. The required implementation work (if any) should be carried out in a structured way, and has to be documented appropriately. If a topic is shared by two or more participants, acquiring team-working skills is another goal of the project. The results of the project have to be described in a project paper (~15 pages) and presented in a 30 minutes talk at the end of the semester.
It is also the duty of the participants to reserve enough time for conducting the project. The sharp deadline for finishing the project is the beginning of the following semester, i.e. the allowed time for the project is one semester plus the following semester break. It is the obligation of the participant to start the project in time, and to make appointments with the tutor for regular meetings during the semester.


When choosing a topic, please take into account the knowledge you have already acquired. For example, if you'd like to do a project concerning knowledge representation, you are expected to have successfully attended the lecture "Logic-based knowledge representation" before starting the project.
The topics offered this semester can be found here.

Anni-Yasmin Turhan