[TU Dresden]


Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Theoretische Informatik
Lehrstuhl für Automatentheorie

Hauptseminar theoretische Informatik: "Probability in Logics"

Topic of the Hauptseminar
Logical formalisms allow structured representation of application domains. In classical logic facts are crisp, e.g., they hold or not. In some applications it is necessary to handle probabilities of certain facts or uncertainty of events. In this seminar we study approaches that allow to express probability in logic formalisms and the reasoning methods devised for them.

Preliminary schedule
The seminar starts on Friday, October 18th, at 3:00pm in room 3027 of the computer science building with an introductory meeting. In this meeting all participating students will pick a research paper that they will write a report and give a talk about.

Presentations will take place during the last weeks of the teaching period (i.e. in February / January)—with one noteable exception, see the seminar schedule below for details.

Position in the Curriculum
Depending on your course of studies, you can use this seminar for the following modules:
Basic knowledge in computational complexity is helpful.
For computer science students: “Formale Systeme” or “Grundlagen der Theoretischen Informatik”

The language of the seminar is English — unless the seminar is attended by native German speakers only.

Preliminary schedule
The initial meeting is on Friday October 18th at 15:00 o'clock (a little later than the start of 5. DS) in room INF 3027.

When Speaker Topic Partner paper of: Tutor
Anni-Y. Turhan introductory session - -
Ismail Ceylan First order probabilistic Inference Oliver F. Gil Anni-Yasmin Turhan
Oliver F. Gil Probabilistic Description Logics for Subjective Uncertainty Ismail Ceylan Anni-Yasmin Turhan

Goal of the Hauptseminar
Apart from learning about the main topic, students should learn how to get acquainted with a relevant body of literature, how to produce a well-structured paper, and how to give an understandable scientific talk.

Duties of Participants
For the CL master students this seminar can be used for several modules. Depending on the CL module the seminar will be used for, the student can either carry out the seminar in the calssical way (report and talk) or as an oral exam. This choice is only available to CL students , all other students can only have this seminar in the classical way.

Pool of papers
The seminar is about presenting and discussing papers from the following (not yet complete) list:

The seminar is coordinated by Anni-Y. Turhan.

Last modified: Fri Mar 21 16:26:32 CET 2014