Summer Term 2015 Lectures
 | Lecture Einführung in die Informatik
Diplomstudiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik (D-WW-EINF)
Bachelor Wirtschaftspädagogik (INF-BAWP-INF-04)
Höheres Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen (INF-SEBS-INF-04)
Höheres Lehramt an Gymnasien (INF-SEGY-INF-04)
Lehramt an Mittelschulen (INF-SEMS-INF-04)
Homepage of the Lecture
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 | Lecture Automata and Logic |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, Intelligente Systeme, INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6), Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-510, INF-B-520), Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6),
Master Computational Logic (MCL-AL, MCL-KR, MCL-TCSL, MCL-PI)
Homepage of the Lecture  |
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 | Vorlesung Foundations of Databases and Query Languages |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6), Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-510, INF-B-520), Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6),
Master Computational Logic (MCL-KR, MCL-TCSL, MCL-PI)
Homepage der Vorlesung  |
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Lecture Molekulares Rechnen (in vitro und in vivo)
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6),
Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-510, INF-B-520),
Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6)
Homepage of the Lecture
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Lecture Funktionale Programmierung und Typtheorie
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6),
Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-510, INF-B-520),
Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6)
Homepage of the Lecture
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 | Komplexpraktikum Theoretische Informatik |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik
Homepage of the Praktikum
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 | Master-Praktikum |
Master Informatik (INF-MA-PR)
Homepage of the Praktikum
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 | Project Group Theoretical Computer Science |
Master Computational Logic (MCL-P)
Homepage of the Project Group
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 | Forschungsprojekt Theoretical Computer Science |
Master Informatik (INF-PM-FPG)
Diplom Informatik (INF-PM-FPG)
Homepage of the Lecture
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Seminar Extensions of Description Logics
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Hauptseminar), Master Informatik (INF-AQUA)
Master Computational Logic (MCL-PCS, MCL-PI, MCL-TCSL)
Homepage of the Seminar
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 | Proseminar
Theoretische Informatik |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik, Bachelor Informatik (INF-D-520, INF-B-510, INF-B-520, INF-B-610)
Homepage of the Proseminar
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Winter Term 2014/15 Lectures
 | Lecture Description Logic (in English) |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, Intelligente Systeme, INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6), Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-510, INF-B-520), Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6),
Master Computational Logic (MCL-TCSL, MCL-PI)
Homepage of the Lecture  |
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 | Lecture
Introduction to Complexity Theory (in englischer Sprache) |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, Intelligente Systeme, INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6), Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-510, INF-B-520), Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6),
Master Computational Logic (MCL-TCSL, MCL-PI)
Homepage der Vorlesung  |
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 | Lecture Informatik für Biologen
Bachelor Biologie, Bachelor Molekulare Biotechnologie (Modul Informatik, INF-LE-BIO)
Homepage of the Lecture
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 | Komplexpraktikum Theoretische Informatik |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (PO 2004)
Homepage of the Praktikum
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 | Master-Praktikum |
Master Informatik (INF-MA-PR, INF-PM-FPG)
Homepage of the Praktikum
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 | Project Group Theoretical Computer Science |
Master Computational Logic (MCL-P)
Homepage of the Project Group  |
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Seminar Theoretical Computer Science: "Advanced Topic in Term Rewriting"
Diplom Informatik (INF-D-940), Master Informatik (INF-AQUA)
Master Computational Logic (MCL-PCS, MCL-PI, MCL-TCSL)
Homepage of the Seminar
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 | Proseminar
Theoretical Computer Science: "Ausgewählte Themen der Theoretischen Informatik" |
Diplom Informatik, Bachelor Informatik (INF-D-520, INF-B-510, INF-B-520, INF-B-610)
Homepage of the Proseminar
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 | Forschungsprojekt Theoretical Computer Science |
Master Informatik (INF-PM-FPG)
Diplom Informatik (INF-PM-FPG)
Homepage of the Project
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Summer Term 2014 Lectures
 | Lecture Theoretische Informatik und Logik
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (INF-D-330)
Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-290)
Homepage of the Lecture
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 | Lecture Term Rewriting Systems (in English) |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, Intelligente Systeme, INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6), Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-510, INF-B-520), Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6),
Master Computational Logic (MCL-TCSL, MCL-PI)
Homepage of the Lecture  |
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Vorlesung Molekulares Rechnen (in vitro und in vivo)
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6),
Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-510, INF-B-520),
Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6)
Homepage der Vorlesung
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 | Vorlesung Einführung in die Informatik
Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI-BA-01)
Staatsexamen Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen (INF-SEBS-INF-04)
Staatsexamen Lehramt an Gymnasien (INF-SEGY-INF-04)
Staatsexamen Lehramt an Mittelschulen (INF-SEMS-INF-04)
Homepage der Vorlesung
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 | Vorlesung Logical Approach to Physical Data Independence and Query Compilation
Master in Computational Logic
Homepage der Vorlesung
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 | Komplexpraktikum Theoretische Informatik |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik
Homepage of the Lecture
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 | Master-Praktikum |
Master Informatik (INF-MA-PR)
Homepage of the Lecture
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 | Project Group Theoretical Computer Science |
Master Computational Logic (MCL-P)
Homepage der Projektgruppe  |
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 | Forschungsprojekt Theoretical Computer Science |
Master Informatik (INF-PM-FPG)
Diplom Informatik (INF-PM-FPG)
Homepage of the Lecture  |
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Seminar Seminar Theoretical Computer Science
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Hauptseminar), Master Informatik (INF-AQUA)
Master Computational Logic (MCL-PCS, MCL-PI, MCL-TCSL)
Homepage des Seminars
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 | Proseminar
Theoretische Informatik |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik, Bachelor Informatik (INF-D-520, INF-B-510, INF-B-520, INF-B-610)
Homepage des Seminars
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Winter Term 2013/14 Lectures
 | Lecture Formale Systeme
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (INF-B-270)
Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-270)
Bachelor Medieninformatik (INF-B-270)
Diplomstudiengang Informationssystemtechnik (INF-B-275, IST-05-PF-HS)
Homepage of the Lecture
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 | Lecture Description Logic (in English) |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, Intelligente Systeme, INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6), Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-510, INF-B-520), Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6),
Master Computational Logic (MCL-TCSL, MCL-PI, MCL-KR)
Homepage of the Lecture  |
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 | Lecture Informatik für Biologen
Bachelor Biologie und Bachelor Molekulare Biotechnologie (Modul Informatik)
Homepage of the Lecture
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 | Komplexpraktikum Theoretische Informatik |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik
Homepage of the Praktikum
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 | Master-Praktikum |
Master Informatik (INF-MA-PR)
Homepage of the Praktikum
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 | Project Group Theoretical Computer Science |
Master Computational Logic (MCL-P)
Homepage of the Project Group  |
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Seminar Theoretical Computer Science: "Probability in Logic"
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Hauptseminar), Master Informatik (INF-AQUA)
Master Computational Logic (MCL-PCS, MCL-PI, MCL-TCSL)
Homepage of the Seminar
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 | Proseminar
Theoretische Informatik |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik, Bachelor Informatik (INF-D-520, INF-B-510, INF-B-520, INF-B-610)
Homepage of the Proseminar
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Summer Term 2013 Lectures
 | Lecture Automata and Logic (in English) |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, Intelligente Systeme, INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6), Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-510, INF-B-520),
Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6),
Master Computational Logic (MCL-TCSL, MCL-PI, MCL-KR)
Homepage of the Lecture  |
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 | Lecture Funktionale Programmierung und Typtheorie
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6),
Bachelor Informatik(INF-B-510, INF-B-520),
Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6)
Homepage der Vorlesung
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 | Vorlesung Einführung in die Informatik
Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik,
Lehramtsbezogener Bachelor "Allgemeinbildende Schulen",
Lehramtsbezogener Bachelor "Berufliche Bildung" - Direktstudium
Homepage der Vorlesung
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 | Lecture
Fuzzy Description Logic (in English) |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, Intelligente Systeme,
INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6, INF-PM-FOR), Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-510,
INF-B-520), Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6, INF-PM-FOR),
Master Computational Logic (MCL-TCSL, MCL-KR)
Homepage of the Lecture  |
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Seminar Theoretical Computer Science
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Hauptseminar), Master Informatik (INF-AQUA)
Master Computational Logic (PCS, (TCSL, PI))
Homepage of the Seminar
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 | Proseminar
Theoretische Informatik |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik, Bachelor Informatik (INF-D-520, INF-B-610)
Homepage des Proseminars
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 | Komplexpraktikum Theoretische Informatik |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik
Homepage of the Praktikum
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 | Master-Praktikum |
Master Informatik (INF-MA-PR, INF-PM-FPG)
Homepage of the Praktikum
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 | Project Group Theoretical Computer Science |
Master Computational Logic (MCL-P)
Homepage of the Project Group  |
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Winter Term 2012/13 Lectures
 | Lecture Description Logic (in English) |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, Intelligente Systeme, INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6), Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-510, INF-B-520), Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6),
Master Computational Logic (MCL-TCSL, MCL-PI, MCL-KR)
Homepage of the Lecture  |
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 | Lecture
Fuzzy Logic (in English) |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, Intelligente Systeme, INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6), Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-510, INF-B-520), Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6),
Master Computational Logic (MCL-TCSL, MCL-PI, MCL-MV)
Homepage of the Lecture  |
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 | Lecture
Theorem Proving with Equality (in English) |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, Intelligente Systeme, INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6), Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-510, INF-B-520), Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6),
Master Computational Logic (MCL-TCSL, MCL-PI, MCL-MV)
Homepage of the Lecture  |
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 | Lecture Informatik für Biologen
Bachelor Biologie und Bachelor Molekulare Biotechnologie (Modul Informatik)
Homepage of the Lecture
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 | Komplexpraktikum Theoretische Informatik |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik
Homepage of the Praktikum
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 | Master-Praktikum |
Master Informatik (INF-MA-PR)
Homepage of the Praktikum
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 | Project Group Theoretical Computer Science |
Master Computational Logic (MCL-P)
Homepage of the Project Group  |
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Seminar Theoretical Computer Science
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Hauptseminar), Master Informatik (INF-AQUA)
Master Computational Logic (MCL-PCS, MCL-PI, MCL-TCSL)
Homepage of the Seminar
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 | Proseminar
Theoretische Informatik |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik, Bachelor Informatik (INF-D-520,INF-B-610)
Homepage of the Proseminar
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Summer Term 2012 Lectures
 | Lecture Automata and Logic (in English) |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, Intelligente Systeme, INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6), Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-510, INF-B-520),
Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6),
Master Computational Logic (MCL-TCSL, MCL-PI, MCL-KR)
Homepage of the Lecture  |
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 | Lecture
Introduction to Complexity Theory (in English) |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, Intelligente Systeme, INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6), Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-510, INF-B-520), Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6),
Master Computational Logic (MCL-TCSL, MCL-KR, MCL-MV, MCL-PI)
Homepage of the Lecture  |
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 | Lecture
Formal Concept Analysis and Logic (in English) |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, Intelligente Systeme, INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6), Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-510, INF-B-520), Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6),
Master Computational Logic (MCL-TCSL, MCL-KR)
Homepage of the Lecture  |
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 | Vorlesung Funktionale Programmierung und Typtheorie
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6),
Bachelor Informatik(INF-B-510, INF-B-520),
Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6)
Homepage der Vorlesung
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Vorlesung Molekulares Rechnen (in vitro und in vivo)
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6),
Bachelor Informatik(INF-B-510, INF-B-520),
Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6)
Homepage der Vorlesung |
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 | Vorlesung Einführung in die Informatik
Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik,
Lehramtsbezogener Bachelor "Allgemeinbildende Schulen",
Lehramtsbezogener Bachelor "Berufliche Bildung" - Direktstudium
Homepage der Vorlesung
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 | Komplexpraktikum Theoretische Informatik |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik
Homepage of the Praktikum |
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 | Master-Praktikum |
Master Informatik (INF-MA-PR)
Homepage of the Praktikum
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 | Project Group Theoretical Computer Science |
Master Computational Logic (MCL-P)
Homepage of the Project Group
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Seminar Advanced topics in automatic structures
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Hauptseminar), Master Informatik (INF-AQUA)
Master Computational Logic (MCL-PCS, MCL-PI, MCL-TCSL, MCL-AL)
Homepage of the Seminar
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 | Proseminar
Unkonventionelle Berechnungsmodelle |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik, Bachelor Informatik (INF-D-520, INF-B-610)
Homepage of the Seminar
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Winter Term 2011/12 Lectures
 | Lecture Term Rewriting Systems (in English) |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, Intelligente Systeme, INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6), Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-510, INF-B-520), Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6),
Master Computational Logic (MCL-TCSL, MCL-PI)
Homepage of the Lecture |
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 | Lecture
Fuzzy Description Logic (in English) |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, Intelligente Systeme, INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6), Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-510, INF-B-520), Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6),
Master Computational Logic (MCL-TCSL, MCL-KR)
Homepage of the Lecture  |
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 | Lecture
Introduction to Automatic Structures (in English) |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Theorie der Programmierung, Intelligente Systeme, INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6), Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-510, INF-B-520), Master Informatik (INF-BAS6, INF-VERT6),
Master Computational Logic (MCL-TCSL, MCL-KR)
Homepage of the Lecture  |
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 | Lecture Informatik für Biologen
Bachelor Biologie, Bachelor Molekulare Biotechnologie (Modul Informatik)
Homepage of the Lecture
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 | Komplexpraktikum Theoretische Informatik |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik
Homepage of the Praktikum |
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 | Master-Praktikum |
Master Informatik (INF-MA-PR)
Homepage of the Praktikum
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 | Project Group Theoretical Computer Science |
Master Computational Logic (MCL-P)
Homepage of the Project Group  |
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Seminar Theoretical Computer Science
Diplomstudiengang Informatik (Hauptseminar), Master Informatik (INF-AQUA)
Master Computational Logic (MCL-PCS, MCL-PI, MCL-TCSL)
Homepage of the Seminar
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 | Proseminar
Perlen der Theoretischen Informatik |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik, Bachelor Informatik (INF-B-610)
Homepage of the Seminar
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Summer Term 2011 Lectures
 | Lecture Description Logic (in English) |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik, Bachelor Informatik, Master Informatik,
Master Computational Logic
Homepage of the Lecture |
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 | Lecture Funktionale Programmierung und Typtheorie
Diplomstudiengang Informatik, Bachelor Informatik, Master Informatik
Homepage of the Lecture
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Lecture Molekulares Rechnen (in vitro und in vivo)
Diplomstudiengang Informatik |
Homepage of the Lecture
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 | Lecture
Fuzzy Logic (in English) |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik, Bachelor Informatik, Master Informatik,
Master Computational Logic
Homepage of the Lecture
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 | KomplexpraktikumTheoretische Informatik |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik
Homepage of the Praktikum
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 | Master-Praktikum |
Master Informatik
Homepage of the Praktikum
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 | Project Group Theoretical Computer Science |
Master Computational Logic
Homepage of the Project Group  |
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 | Hauptseminar
Theoretical Computer Science |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik, Bachelor Informatik, Master Informatik,
Master Computational Logic
Homepage of the Seminar
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 | Proseminar
Perlen der Theoretischen Informatik |
Diplomstudiengang Informatik
Homepage of the Seminar
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Winter Term 2010/11 Lectures
 | Lecture Formale Systeme
Position in curriculum ( 4 / 2 / - )
Bachelor-Studiengang Informatik and Bachelor-Studiengang Medieninformatik
Homepage of the Lecture
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 | Lecture Informatik für Biologen
Position in curriculum ( 2 / 1 / - )
Bachelor-Studiengang Biologie and Bachelor-Studiengang Molekulare Biotechnologie
Homepage of the Lecture
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 | Hauptseminar
Theoretical Computer Science |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science
Computational Logic: 3 credit points; module IT and TCSL.
Homepage of the seminar
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 | KomplexpraktikumTheoretical Computer Science |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization Theory of Programming
Homepage of the Praktikum
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 | Project Group Theoretical Computer Science |
Position in curriculum: Computational Logic, project (12 credit points)
Homepage of the Project
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 | Master-Praktikum
Position in curriculum: Master-Studiengang Computer Science
Homepage of the Praktikum
Summer Term 2010 Lectures
 | Lecture Description Logic (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: 9 credit points; modules KRAI, SDS and TCSL
Suitable for course of studies "Software Engineering"
Homepage of
the lecture |
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Lecture Molekulares Rechnen (in vitro und in vivo) (in German)
Position in curriculum: Studiengang Informatik -
Fachgebiet Theorie der Programmierung |
Homepage of the
lecture  |
| |
 | Lecture
Selected Topics in Automata and Logic (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: 3 credit points; module TCSL and SV
Homepage of the lecture |
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 | KomplexpraktikumTheoretical Computer Science |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization Theory of Programming
Homepage of the Praktikum |
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 | Project Group Theoretical Computer Science |
Position in curriculum: Computational Logic, project (12 credit points)
Homepage of the Project |
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 | Hauptseminar Theoretical Computer Science |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science
Computational Logic: 3 credit points; module IT and TCSL
Homepage of the
seminar |
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 | Proseminar Perlen der Theoretischen Informatik (in German) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science
Homepage of the
seminar |
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Winter Term 2009/10 Lectures
 | Lecture Automata and Logic
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming; course of studies
Computational Logic: 9 credit points; modules TCSL and IT |
Homepage of the lecture
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 | Lecture Advanced topics in Description Logics
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: 3 credit points; modules IT, KRAI and TCSL
Homepage of the Lecture
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 | Lecture Informatik für Biologen
Position in curriculum ( 2 / 1 / - )
Bachelor-Studiengang Biologie and Bachelor-Studiengang Molekulare Biotechnologie
Homepage of the Lecture
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 | Lecture Funktionale Programmierung und Typtheorie
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science,
specialization Theory of Programming;
Homepage of the lecture
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 | Hauptseminar
Theoretical Computer Science: "Probability in Logics" |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science
Computational Logic: 3 credit points; module IT and TCSL.
Homepage of the seminar
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 | Komplexpraktikum/CL
project |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: project (12 credit points)
Homepage of the Praktikum
Summer Term 2009 Lectures
Lecture Molekulares Rechnen (in vitro und in vivo) (in German)
Position in curriculum: Studiengang Informatik -
Fachgebiet Theorie der Programmierung |
Homepage of the
lecture  |
| |
 | Lecture Description Logic (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: 9 credit points; modules KRAI and TCSL;
Suitable for course of studies ``Software Engineering''
Homepage of
the lecture |
| |
 | Lecture
Theorem Proving and Equality (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: 4 credit points; module TCSL, IT.
Homepage the lecture |
| |
 | Komplexpraktikum/CL
project |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: project (12 credit points)
Homepage of the Praktikum |
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 | Hauptseminar Automata, Logics and Infinite Games |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science
Computational Logic: 3 credit points; module IT, TCSL.
Homepage of the
seminar |
Winter Term 2008/09 Lectures
 | Lecture Grundlagen der Theoretischen Informatik II (in German) |
Position in curriculum: foundation course in Computer Science;
course of studies Media Computer Science; course of studies Softwaretechnik.
Homepage of the
lecture  |
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 | Lecture Term rewriting systems (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming;
Course of studies
Computational Logic: 10 credit points; module TCSL
Homepage of
the Lecture |
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 | Lecture Funktionale Programmierung und Typtheorie (in German) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science,
specialization Theory of Programming;
Homepage of the lecture
| |
 | Hauptseminar
Theoretical Computer Science |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science
Computational Logic: 3 credit points; module IT and TCSL.
Homepage of the
seminar |
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Summer Term 2008 Lectures
Lecture Molekulares Rechnen (in vitro und in vivo) (in German)
Position in curriculum: Studiengang Informatik -
Fachgebiet Theorie der Programmierung |
Homepage of the
lecture  |
| |
 | Lecture
Grundlagen der Theoretischen Informatik I
(in German) |
Position in curriculum: foundation course in Computer Science;
course of studies Media Computer Science; course of studies Softwaretechnik.
Homepage of the
lecture  |
| |
 | Lecture Complexity and Logic (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: 9 credit points; modules IT, KRAI, TCSL;
Homepage of
the lecture |
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 | Lecture Verification Techniques (in English) |
Computational Logic: 6 credit points; modules IT, VT, TCSL;
Homepage of
the lecture |
| |
 | Lecture
Theorem Proving and Equality (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: 4 credit points; module TCSL, IT.
Homepage the lecture |
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 | Komplexpraktikum/CL
project |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: project (12 credit points)
Homepage of the Praktikum |
Winter Term 2007/08 Lectures
 | Lecture Decision Procedures (in English) |
Position in curriculum: course of studies Computational Logic: 2
credit points; modules TCSL and IT
| |
 | Lecture Funktionale Programmierung und Typtheorie (in German) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science,
specialization Theory of Programming;
Homepage of the lecture
| |
 | Lecture Automata and Logic (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming; course of studies
Computational Logic: 10 credit points; modules TCSL and IT |
of the lecture |
| |
 | Hauptseminar Automata, Logics, and Infinite Games |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science
Computational Logic: 3 credit points; module TCSL
Homepage of the
seminar |
| |
 | Komplexpraktikum/CL
project |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: project (12 credit points)
Homepage of the Praktikum |
| |
Summer Term 2007 Lectures
Lecture Molekulares Rechnen (in vitro und in vivo) (in German)
Position in curriculum: Studiengang Informatik -
Fachgebiet Theorie der Programmierung |
Homepage of the
lecture  |
| |
 | Lecture Description Logic (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: 9 credit points; modules KRAI and TCSL;
Suitable for course of studies ``Software Engineering''
Homepage of
the lecture |
| |
 | Lecture
Theorem Proving and Equality (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: 4 credit points; module TCSL, IT.
Homepage the lecture |
| |
 | Komplexpraktikum/CL
project |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: project (12 credit points)
Homepage of the Praktikum |
| |
 | Hauptseminar Complexity of enumeration problems |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science
Computational Logic: 3 credit points; module IT, TCSL.
Homepage of the
seminar |
Winter Term 2006/07 Lectures
 | Lecture Grundlagen der Theoretischen Informatik II (in German) |
Position in curriculum: foundation course in Computer Science;
course of studies Media Computer Science; course of studies Softwaretechnik.
Homepage of the
lecture  |
| |
Position in curriculum:
 | Lecture Funktionale Programmierung und Typtheorie (in German) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science,
specialization Theory of Programming;
Homepage of the lecture
| |
 | Lecture Term rewriting systems (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming;
Course of studies
Computational Logic: 9 credit points; module TCSL
Homepage of
the Lecture |
| |
 | Lecture
Complexity Theory (in English) |
Position in curriculum: foundational course in Computational Logic;
Computational Logic: 3 credit points; module F, TCSL.
Homepage the lecture |
| |
 | Hauptseminar Knowledge Representation |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science
Computational Logic: 3 credit points; module IT, TCSL.
Homepage of the
seminar |
| |
Summer Term 2006 Lectures
Lecture Grundlagen der Theoretischen Informatik I (in German)
Position in curriculum: foundation course in Computer Science;
course of studies Media Computer Science |
Homepage of the
lecture  |
| |
 | Lecture Logic-based Knowledge Representation (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: 9 credit points; modules KRAI and TCSL;
Suitable for course of studies ``Software Engineering''
Homepage of
the lecture |
| |
 | Lecture
Temporal Logic (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: 3 credit points; modules SV and TCSL
Homepage the lecture |
| |
 | Komplexpraktikum/CL
project |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: project (12 credit points)
Homepage of the Praktikum |
Winter Term 2005/06 Lectures
 | Lecture Complexity and Logic (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: 9 credit points; module TCSL;
Homepage of
the lecture |
| |
 | Lecture
Theorem Proving and Equality (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: 3 credit points; module TCSL, IT.
Homepage the lecture |
| |
 | Lecture Funktionale Programmierung und Typtheorie |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Theory of Programming |
Homepage of the
| |
 | Hauptseminar Knowledge Representation |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science
Computational Logic: 3 credit points; module TCSL
Homepage of the
seminar |
| |
 | Komplexpraktikum/CL
project |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: project (12 credit points)
Homepage of the Praktikum |
Summer Term 2005 Lectures
 | Lecture Logic-based Knowledge Representation (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: 9 credit points; modules KRAI and TCSL;
Suitable for course of studies ``Software Engineering''
Homepage of
the lecture |
| |
 | Lecture
Temporal Logic (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: 3 credit points; modules SV and TCSL
Homepage the lecture |
| |
 | Hauptseminar Automata and Logic |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science
Computational Logic: 3 credit points; module TCSL
Homepage of the
seminar |
| |
 | Komplexpraktikum/CL
project |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: project (12 credit points)
Homepage of the Praktikum |
Winter Term 2004/05 Lectures
Lecture Grundlagen der Theoretischen Informatik II
Position in curriculum: foundation course in Computer Science;
course of studies Media Computer Science; supplementary course of studies in Software Engineering |
Homepage of the lecture  |
| |
 | Lecture Automata and Logic (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming; course of studies
Computational Logic: 9 credit points; modules TCSL and IT |
Homepage of the
lecture |
| |
 | Lecture Funktionale Programmierung und Typtheorie |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Theory of Programming |
Homepage of the
lecture  |
| |
 | Komplexpraktikum/CL
Automated Reasoning in Logical Formalisms |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: project (12 credit points)
Homepage of the Praktikum |
Summer Term 2004 Lectures
Lecture Grundlagen der Theoretischen Informatik I (in German)
Position in curriculum: foundation course in Computer Science;
course of studies Media Computer Science |
Homepage of the
lecture  |
| |
 | Lecture Term rewriting systems (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming;
Course of studies
Computational Logic: 9 credit points; module TCSL
Homepage of
the Lecture |
| |
 | Hauptseminar Knowledge Representation and Reasoning with Description Logics |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science
Computational Logic: 3 credit points; module TCSL
Homepage of the
seminar |
Winter Term 2003/04 Lectures
 | Lecture Logic-based Knowledge Representation (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: 9 credit points; modules KRAI and TCSL;
Suitable for course of studies ``Software Engineering''
Homepage of
the lecture |
| |
 | Lecture Funktionale Programmierung |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Theory of Programming |
Homepage of the
lecture |
| |
 | Hauptseminar Undecidable Problems from Real Applications |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science
Computational Logic: 3 credit points; module TCSL
Homepage of the
seminar |
| |
 | Komplexpraktikum / CL project Automated Reasoning in Logical Formalisms (in German and/or English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization Theory of Programming;
Computational Logic: project (12 credit points)
Homepage of the
Praktikum |
Summer Term 2003 Lectures
 | Lecture Term rewriting systems (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming; course of studies
Computational Logic
Homepage of
the Lecture |
| |
 | Lecture
Modal Logic (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming; course of studies
Computational Logic
Homepage the lecture |
| |
 | Hauptseminar Undecidable Problems from Real Applications |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science
Homepage of the
seminar  |
| |
 | Komplexpraktikum / CL project Reasoning in Description Logics (in German and/or English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization Theory of Programming; project for course of studies computational logic
Homepage of the
Praktikum |
Winter Term 2002/03 Lectures
Lecture Grundlagen der Theoretischen Informatik II
Position in curriculum: foundation course in Computer Science;
course of studies Media Computer Science; supplementary course of studies in Software Engineering |
Homepage of the lecture  |
| |
 | Lecture Automata and Logic (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming; course of studies
Computational Logic |
Homepage of the
lecture |
| |
 | Lecture Funktionale Programmierung |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Theory of Programming |
Homepage of the
lecture |
| |
 | Lecture
Logic-based Knowledge Representation II (in English, thursday,
DS5, room 250) |
Position in curriculum: course of studies Computational Logic
for this lecture  |
| |
 | Hauptseminar Unentscheidbare Probleme aus der Praxis |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science
Homepage of the seminar |
| |
 | Komplexpraktikum Formale Modelle in der Anwendung |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization Theory of Programming
Homepage of the
praktikum |
Summer Term 2002 Lectures
Lecture Grundlagen der Theoretischen Informatik I (in German)
Position in curriculum: foundation course in Computer Science;
course of studies Media Computer Science |
Homepage of the
lecture  |
| |
 | Lecture Logic-based Knowledge Representation (in English) |
Position in curriculum: main course in Computer Science, specialization
Intelligent Systems and Theory of Programming; course of studies
Computational Logic; supplementary course of studies in Software Engineering
Homepage of
the lecture |
| | | | | |